Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MUCH to be thankful for!

Thanksgiving only comes once a year, but I am reminded daily how we really do have much to be thankful for! When we go to our Heavenly Father with our requests...we see His faithfullness and how He is full of grace and mercy and wants the very best for us.
He has blessed my business more than I can ever imagine! and a BIG THANK YOU to all of you!! Word of mouth has certainly made October and November very busy months. I feel like I should be feeding the UPS man or atleast getting him a Christmas present since he comes by my house everyday with orders. :)
I have a little break...so I figured I would share a few from recent sessions. :)
I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!!! Take time to tell someone how thankful you are for them!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

This is going to be a quick post. I still have a lot of editing to do. :) I will be sure to post some fun pictures from recent sessions soon.

But for now...here are the pumpkins Jimbo and I carved. I think carving pumpkins is so much fun...but I will let you know, we cheated and used templates. I don't care...they still look cool!

We did not have very many "trick-or-treaters" in our neighborhood of 13 homes. This year we gave out candy and Play-Doh....we had to remind the kids to eat the candy and not the Play-Doh. Although I do remember tasting it as a kid and it is very salty! :)

Friday, October 26, 2007

What a busy October!

October has certainly been a busy month, but guess what? I am still LOVING every minute of it.

I am about to run out, but I wanted to share a cutie with you. This is Miss "S". I did her newborns and now she is 6 months old! That is one of the many things I love about my job. I get to have fun taking pictures of little ones AND I get to see them grow up!! How fun!!

I just downloaded her session and I LOVED this one!

I have more to share...but that is for another post. I had a very fun maternity session the other day that was awesome! I can't wait to see those images too.

Have a good one!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bentley Green

OK...so I know a lot of you are not rap fans...and that is ok...but this 6 year old little rapper is just too cute!!! Check out his other youtube videos from The Ellen Show.

We can't water our lawn...

Well...I must admit...Jimmy and I are not winning "Yard of the Month" anytime soon. Neither one of us really know much about gardening. So, our yard was way overgrown and we called someone to come and clean it up. They cut the trees back, pulled the weeds, and removed a couple of dead plants/trees. As the yard man was talking with Jimmy, he said it would really be best if we just "nuked" the entire yard and started over again. Now are yard is not very big at all, but still, we let it get that bad, that the best solution would be to kill it and start fresh!

That hurt our ego just a bit. Anyway...before we left for the beach at the end of September, Jimmy decided to kill the yard while we were gone. So we came home to see our new brown backyard. We also came home to a MAJOR water ban! The only way we can water our lawn is if we have it professionally done, and even then...our water ban is so bad...there may not even be water to use on the lawn! What a mess! That is what is going on with the Duggers right now!

Tammy Dugger Photography is very busy! We are now booking for 2008! I can't believe how much business has grown...just on word of mouth! You all are fabulous! Thanks so much for telling everyone about me. I am LOVING it! I have a few newborns on the way and I can't wait to see their sweet little faces!

Little Miss "A" has her pumpkins and she is ready to go!

Check out this Junior Jacket fan! I love the looks this little man gave me! He was on the go just about our entire session, and at the end...I stuck him in this...I might just need to bring a bucket with me to all my toddler sessions! :) I love the enthusiasm little boys have. Bless all you moms of little boys. They certianly keep you on your toes!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well I just finished up a session today with such a sweet family! I love my job so much because it allows me to meet such special people. This family had 2 adorable little boys. I had a blast and couldn't wait to start editing them! I think I will finish with this session in record time! :)

Here are just a couple that I loved! Watch out girls! These boys are gonna be heartbreakers!!

We are leaving this Saturday for our beach trip. I can't wait to sit back and relax. I get to spend some time with one of my sweet nieces. She is just 5 months months old and I can't wait to love on her! I will be sure to share some pictures when I get back. We are going to attempt a family picture...wish us luck. :)
Have a blessed week everyone!!
BTW...if you want to leave a comment...all you have to do is click on "comments." Feel free to say hello!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Madison turns 5!!

I remember the day my sister had Lauren, my first niece, who is now 13! Now...her second little girl is 5! She is such a drama queen and I just love every minute of it.
Kids say the funniest things! When Lauren was little her favorite time to talk was in bed at night or early in the morning. We would just lay there and she would talk, talk, talk. I remember once she was lying in the bed looking at her hands. Out of nowhere she asked, "Why do they all keep growing except for this one?" as she was pointing to her thumb!! I crack up everytime I think of her saying that! You wonder where it comes from!
Well...Maddie is full of crazy quotes! I need to start writing everything down because I don't ever want to forget those fun moments! That is just one thing I LOVE about taking pictures. They capture those moments that you want to hold onto and remember forever!!
Well...here are some pictures from Maddie's birthday...just a few fun ones.
Have a great day and take the time to just sit back and enjoy the people you love!!
I love the faces this little one makes! He is a doll!!

These 2 know how to strike a pose!

What's a boy to do?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hawaii is AMAZING!!!

Ok...so Jimmy and I spent 11 days in Hawaii. We spent 5 nights in Oahu at Ko Olina, then 4 nights in Kauai (The Grand Hyatt rocks!!) and then 2 full days in Maui.
We would just stand in awe at God's creations!! Everytime we turned around, there was another fantastic view. It didn't matter where you were...His beauty was everywhere!!
Well...I can remember as a child always wanting to swim with dolphins (I think that is every 5th grader's dream to be a marine biologist! hehe). It stemmed from my older sister's love for dolphins. You know how it is, you want to do EVERYTHING just like your BIG sister. Anyway...I have held on to that dream. I didn't want to take a snorkel trip in "hopes" to see the dolphins, I wanted the trained ones! I wanted to do tricks with them!! So my sweet husband said "Do it! "
He took me to Sea Life Park and I was able to hang out with 2 sweet female dolphins and 1 wolphin ...yes you read right...a wolphin is a cross-breed of a dolphin and a whale!
They gave kisses, had belly rubs, took me on a ride as I held on to their fins and we did what you call a "foot push" You can see it in the pictures. I was in a group of about 8 other people and I was last in line for the foot push and at that point they swapped one of the dolphins for the wolphin...and as you can imagine...she gave me quite the push and I went way up in the air! It was SO much fun! Jimmy didn't have much interest in swimming with the dolphins...his mind was set on golfing at Kapalua...so we did that too! :)
Vacationing is a lot of fun, but one thing I find hard is getting pictures of the 2 of us. You always have to stop and ask someone to take your picture and often it turns out blurry or an arm gets cut off...so you try the old "self-timer"...but I made a big mistake and forgot my tri-pod, so I tried to be creative and set the camera in odd places, but that didn't work great either. Maybe there is a market out there for hiring photographers to vacation with you so you can get great pictures!! hehehe I would have no problem going to Hawaii again to take some family pictures! :)

Well...I really love this blogging stuff. I have to thank Andrea for pressuring me to make one.:)
Looks like you guys like it too...because I have had 6 calls for sessions since I started it!
Thanks so much for passing along my name and helping me grow my business! I really do LOVE what I do!
Have a blessed day!
Enjoy the slide show of Hawaii!
Click Here to view the Hawaii slide show!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's time for Holiday Cards!!!

Wouldn't it be nice to cross your Christmas cards off the list early? I know it sounds crazy, but sessions are filling up already for holiday pictures!! The deadline for holiday orders is November 21st. I have a lot of really great card templates for 2007 and I know you are going to LOVE them as much as I do! If you have already had a session and would like to use some of the pictures for a customized Christmas card...just let me know and we will create something fabulous! Call 404-358-5450 or e-mail me at info@tammyduggerphotography.com to schedule your session. Sessions can be scheduled Monday-Friday.
New 2007 designs will be posted soon. :)
Have a great day!

Monday, September 3, 2007

You have to have a blog!!

"You don't have a blog? You need one!!"
Well , "technically" I have one...but I thought I really didn't need it...I guess I was wrong!
I just returned from a FABULOUS weekend at Bookout Studio and Design and I do believe I was the only one without a blog :( So I decided to take the advice of others and try out this whole blogging thing. It should be a great way for me to keep in touch with everyone and let you know what is going on with Tammy Dugger Photography!!!
With that said....let me tell you about the wonderful weekend I just had. Heather Bookout invited 9 other photographers across the Southeast for a "Fresh and Focused" workshop. I was lucky enough to get an invite and boy was it unbelievable!!
The workshop started with each photographer drawing names for an assistant, a model (ranging in ages of 18 months to maternity), a location for your session, and a store to buy props for our session!
I drew the name of a sweet, sweet 5 year old girl named Kylee...she was an absolute doll! My location was a barn...and my store was TJ Maxx.
I had so much fun with this little girl!
I feel like this workshop really helped me to stretch my creativity as an artist. Sometimes we get stuck in our ways and life just "happens" and somehow along the way we forget that God has made us to be so special and so unique and He has given us talents that He wants us to use for Him! I am so psyched that I am now doing this full-time! I have so many great ideas for the business and I can't wait to share them with you! There is nothing more fun than a weekend of fellowship with other photographers who share a passion and love for photography as much as you do! Each woman there was unbelievable! I continue to be blessed each day and every morning when I wake up I thank God for what He is doing in my life!!
Be sure to check this blog often to see what is going on in the life of Tammy Dugger Photography!
If you want to see some of the great pictures from the weekend...Heather has it up on her blog now and I will have some examples up very soon!!!!
Have a great day!!!

Here is a picture of Miss Kylee...watch out boys, she is going to be a heartbreaker! :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Well...I never thought I would have a blog...but it seems like the right thing to do. This will be a great way for me to keep everyone in the loop!