Tuesday, November 20, 2007

MUCH to be thankful for!

Thanksgiving only comes once a year, but I am reminded daily how we really do have much to be thankful for! When we go to our Heavenly Father with our requests...we see His faithfullness and how He is full of grace and mercy and wants the very best for us.
He has blessed my business more than I can ever imagine! and a BIG THANK YOU to all of you!! Word of mouth has certainly made October and November very busy months. I feel like I should be feeding the UPS man or atleast getting him a Christmas present since he comes by my house everyday with orders. :)
I have a little break...so I figured I would share a few from recent sessions. :)
I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!!! Take time to tell someone how thankful you are for them!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

This is going to be a quick post. I still have a lot of editing to do. :) I will be sure to post some fun pictures from recent sessions soon.

But for now...here are the pumpkins Jimbo and I carved. I think carving pumpkins is so much fun...but I will let you know, we cheated and used templates. I don't care...they still look cool!

We did not have very many "trick-or-treaters" in our neighborhood of 13 homes. This year we gave out candy and Play-Doh....we had to remind the kids to eat the candy and not the Play-Doh. Although I do remember tasting it as a kid and it is very salty! :)