Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's been a while...

I know, I has been a while and I am so sorry that I am a "blog slacker."
Life has been pretty busy lately, but I will make no excuses.
Well the rumors are true...Jimmy and I are pregnant with twins!!! Well....I am know what I mean. It was a very rough 1st 4 months. I am really not sure why they call it "morning" sickness, when it can really last ALL day. I had to slow things down a bit with work, but now I am back at it, and LOVING it. For those of you who have asked if I will continue once the babies get here, my prayer is that they will be happy and healthy so that I can do sessions a few days a week. :) I love what I do SO much, I can't imagine stopping now!
We are due in July, but they may decide to come a little early. :)
Our hearts are filled with joy knowing we will have 2 sweet babies. It has been a long journey trying to become parents. God tells us to come to Him with what is on our hearts...and we did! We would pray "BIG." After 2 1/2 years, our prayers were answered. When you pray, He listens. We don't know all of the answers, but it is so wonderful knowing that He has a plan for us and He has a plan for you too! :)

I have always loved doing newborn sessions, but my heart just sings now, knowing I have 2 little miracles growing inside me. Here are a few pictures from some recent sessions...

These pictures were taken the day this sweet little one was born. She still had the teeny bandaids on her feet. It was so much fun taking her pictures in the hospital, then rushing home to edit, make a slide show, and then revealing them to the proud parents to send to their friends and family and announce the arrival of their little princess. If you are interested in hospital sessions...send me an e-mail. :) I would love to capture your bundle of joy within their 1st 24 hours of life!! Priceless memories!!

Here is Miss "K"...she came a little earlier than expected. Can't you just feel the love between this sweet daddy and his baby girl.

Now this little man was an angel. He slept when we wanted him to sleep and opened his precious eyes when we wanted him to! Easy peasy!
I will post more next week.
Have a blessed day!