Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Madison turns 5!!

I remember the day my sister had Lauren, my first niece, who is now 13! Now...her second little girl is 5! She is such a drama queen and I just love every minute of it.
Kids say the funniest things! When Lauren was little her favorite time to talk was in bed at night or early in the morning. We would just lay there and she would talk, talk, talk. I remember once she was lying in the bed looking at her hands. Out of nowhere she asked, "Why do they all keep growing except for this one?" as she was pointing to her thumb!! I crack up everytime I think of her saying that! You wonder where it comes from!
Well...Maddie is full of crazy quotes! I need to start writing everything down because I don't ever want to forget those fun moments! That is just one thing I LOVE about taking pictures. They capture those moments that you want to hold onto and remember forever!!
Well...here are some pictures from Maddie's birthday...just a few fun ones.
Have a great day and take the time to just sit back and enjoy the people you love!!
I love the faces this little one makes! He is a doll!!

These 2 know how to strike a pose!

What's a boy to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there,

I am so happy that you are doing this now! You are really good at it. Of course you have 2 wonderful subjects to practice on! :-)

Love you!